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索磷布韦80%通过肾脏排泄,治疗期间应注意监测肾功能。存在严重肾损害的患者使用(eGFR <30 ml/min/1.73 m2)应慎用索磷布韦[1]。索磷布韦在轻度肝损害患者体内血药浓度无明显改变,但中度以上肝损害患者体内索磷布韦的血药浓度可增加[1]。
由于索磷布韦的不良反应发生率低,安全性好,适用于所有丙肝病毒感染者,包括艾滋病和丙肝病毒共感染者,肝硬化、肝细胞癌和准备肝移植的患者。但是,由于索磷布韦抗丙肝病毒的“泛基因”特性,随着临床上含索磷布韦方案的广泛应用,近年来也有一些含索磷布韦方案导致不良事件的个案报道。导致肝功能恶化和肝衰竭的病例多发生在失代偿期肝病、肝移植或与艾滋病病毒共感染的患者中[3-6],但也有1例基因2型代偿期丙型肝炎患者使用索磷布韦联合利巴韦林治疗后发生自身免疫性报道[7]。心脏损害多与胺碘酮并用的相互作用的关,主要表现为心动过缓;但也有未使用胺碘酮的患者发生[8-10]。其他不良事件有:乳酸酸中毒[11]、肾损害[12]、肺动脉高压[13]、结肠炎[14, 15]、癫痫发作[16]、皮肤损害[17, 18]、眼损害等[19],但仅为个案报道,与索菲布韦的因果关系尚不能完全确定。
[1] EASL Recommendations on Treatment of Hepatitis C 2016.LID - S0168-8278(16)30489-5 [pii]LID - 10.1016/j.jhep.2016.09.001 [doi]. J Hepatol. 2016 .
[2] Cha A, Budovich A. Sofosbuvir: a new oral once-daily agent for the treatment of hepatitis C virus infection. P T. 2014. 39(5): 345-52.
[3] Soriano V, Barreiro P, de Mendoza C, Pena JM. Hepatic decompensation with sofosbuvir plus simeprevir in a patient with Child-Pugh B compensated cirrhosis. Antivir Ther. 2016. 21(1): 91-2.
[4] Ende AR, Kim NH, Yeh MM, Harper J, Landis CS. Fulminant hepatitis B reactivation leading to liver transplantation in a patient with chronic hepatitis C treated with simeprevir and sofosbuvir: a case report. J Med Case Rep. 2015. 9: 164.
[5] Dyson JK, Hutchinson J, Harrison L, et al. Liver toxicity associated with sofosbuvir, an NS5A inhibitor and ribavirin use. J Hepatol. 2016. 64(1): 234-8.
[6] Debes JD, Ricci P. Acute liver failure during hepatitis C treatment with sofosbuvir and ledipasvir. Dig Liver Dis. 2015. 47(12): 1091-2.
[7] Gupta N, Bodin R, Sule S. Autoimmune Hepatitis in Association With Sofosbuvir. Am J Ther. 2015 .
[8] Padegimas A, Forde KA, Goldberg LR, Birati EY. Myo-pericarditis secondary to ledipasvir-sofosbuvir therapy. J Hepatol. 2016. 64(5): 1196-8.
[9] Brainard DM, McHutchison JG. Bradyarrhythmias Associated with Sofosbuvir Treatment. N Engl J Med. 2015. 373(19): 1888.
[10] Fontaine H, Lazarus A, Pol S, et al. Bradyarrhythmias Associated with Sofosbuvir Treatment. N Engl J Med. 2015. 373(19): 1886-8.
[11] Welker MW, Luhne S, Lange CM, et al. Lactic acidosis in patients with hepatitis C virus cirrhosis and combined ribavirin/sofosbuvir treatment. J Hepatol. 2016. 64(4): 790-9.
[12] Wanchoo R, Thakkar J, Schwartz D, Jhaveri KD. Harvoni (Ledipasvir With Sofosbuvir)-Induced Renal Injury. Am J Gastroenterol. 2016. 111(1): 148-9.
[13] Renard S, Borentain P, Salaun E, et al. Severe Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in Patients Treated for Hepatitis C With Sofosbuvir. Chest. 2016. 149(3): e69-73.
[14] Sarkar S, Mitchell KA, Lim JK, Oikonomou I, Jakab S. Colitis Following Initiation of Sofosbuvir and Simeprevir for Genotype 1 Hepatitis C. ACG Case Rep J. 2015. 3(1): 42-4.
[15] Izzo I, AUID- Oho, Zanotti P, et al. Colitis during new direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) therapy with sofosbuvir, simeprevir and ribavirin for genotype 1b hepatitis C. Infection. 2016 .
[16] Syal G, Heldenbrand SD, Duarte-Rojo A. Seizures as a Potential Complication of Treatment With Simeprevir and Sofosbuvir. Am J Ther. 2016. 23(2): e570-1.
[17] Cheung EJ, Jedrych JJ, English JC 3rd. Sofosbuvir-Induced Erythrodermic Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris-Like Drug Eruption. J Drugs Dermatol. 2015. 14(10): 1161-2.
[18] Scott GD, Rieger KE. New-onset cutaneous lichen planus following therapy for hepatitis C with ledipasvir-sofosbuvir. J Cutan Pathol. 2016. 43(4): 408-9.
[19] Chin-Loy K, Galaydh F, Shaikh S. Retinopathy and Uveitis Associated with Sofosbuvir Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis C Infection. Cureus. 2016. 8(5): e597.
[20] McQuaid T, Savini C, Seyedkazemi S. Sofosbuvir, a Significant Paradigm Change in HCV Treatment. J Clin Transl Hepatol. 2015. 3(1): 27-35.
[21] In brief: severe bradycardia with sofosbuvir and amiodarone. Med Lett Drugs Ther. 2015. 57(1466): 58.
[22] FDA. FDA Drug Safety Communication: FDA warns of serious slowing of the heart rate when antiarrhythmic drug amiodarone is used with hepatitis C treatments containing sofosbuvir (Harvoni) or Sovaldi in combination with another Direct Acting Antiviral drug. 2015-3-24. http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/ucm439484.htm.





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